Robust Sites

EEVL Internet Guide to Engineering, Mathematics, and Computing – incredible extensive guide to online resources and course material from basic mathematics to topology, bioengineering and material engineering. Wonderful search engine for within your desired category (e.g., applets, course material, interactive, …). This is an absolute winner. Highly recommended.

Physical Sciences Information Gateway – low to high level material on the web, with great search engine. Subjects include (but not limited to):

MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) – with special categories for Mathematics and Statistics, and Science and Technology, and their disciplines

EDinfomatics – Education for the information age (listed by subject areas)

Incredible education site to explore (or have your students explore/report as projects) giving annotated links to animations, information, databases, lessons, projects in a wide range of listed subjects – aimed at K-12, but can still be useful to higher levels.

Extensive websites for teaching and learning tips and resources

U Michigan, College of Engineering

Foundation Coalition in Engineering Education

Resources in Science and Engineering (Richard Felder)

UM-Columbia (many valuable tips on a variety of topics, including course management, class construction, effective communication, ….)


Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

UM-Rolla Science Teacher Consortium Resources (aimed middle school through introductory college levels)